Exceptional Trees and plants from around Australia
Photos of some epic trees and amazing plants encountered on travels around Australia
Above: Ghost Gum - Corymbia apparerinja - West Macdonnell Ranges
Below - a ghost gum growing horizontally out of a rock slab - Ormiston Gorge, Northern Territory
Above: Macrozamia macdonnellii is restricted to rocky gorges in arid areas in Central Australia
Below: Seen growing with Ghost Gums - Kings Canyon
Below: Seen growing with Ghost Gums - Kings Canyon
Above: The stark black furrowed bark of 'Beefwood' Grevillea striata - Kata Tjuta
. Above and below: 'Curtain Fig' - Ficus virens - Atherton Tablelands, North East Queensland. These 'Strangler Figs begin their lives when a bird eats a fruit and then defecates the seed in a branch of a tree. The seed germinates and slowly sends down aerial roots. Once these roots reach the ground the fig grows faster and, sometimes after centuries, the strangler fig completely envelopes its host.
Below: Cathedral Fig - Atherton Tablelands
Above: Angiopteris evecta - has the largest fronds of any living fern, growing up to 7m in length! Here seen growing in the rainforests near Mt Bartle Frere, North Queensland.
Above and below: Queensland Kauri - Agathis robusta - in the foothills inland from Cairns
Above and below: Brush Box, Lophostemon confertus. a common street tree in Melbourne. Here growing in Lamington NP Southern Queensland. Brush box trees of this size have been dated at over 1000 years old, making them some of the oldest known trees in Australia
Above: Antarctic Beech - Nothofagus moorei, Lamington NP. The trees above are growing in what is known as a 'Beech Ring'. The original trunk has long since died and rotted away and trunks that sprouted at the base of the original trunk have now taken over. These beech rings are thought to be many hundreds if not thousands of years old.
Above: Moreton Bay Fig - Ficus macrophylla - with giant vines, Border Ranges NP, NSW.
Above: 'Old Blotchy' the largest known Spotted gum - Corymbia maculata. South Coast NSW